Hi. This is Shiping Shao.

I'm a Ph.D. student at Electrical and Computer Engineering at The Ohio State University.

Currently I work on the modeling, control and optimization in the markets of transportation systems.

I'm interested in solving industrial problems with various mathematical tools like
Reinforcement Learning, Game Theory, Probability Theory, etc.

I also have experience in coding on various platforms, like micro-controller, Android, Raspberry, etc.

Scheduling, Optimization, and Market Design of EV Charging

• Designing a linear programming based scheduling algorithm to schedule charging of a large number of EVs in a city
• Applying approximate dynamic programming with a function approximation for real-time computation

EV Regression DP Scheduling

Optimization, Pricing, and Learning in the Ridehailing Systems

• Designed a pricing policy fairly to allocate the operation cost of a ridehailing system with asymmetric elastic demands
• Developed a deep reinforcement learning algorithm to optimize empty vehicle miles traveled and passenger waiting time in a ridehailing system
• Designed a Monte Carlo simulator to compute the performance metrics under various rebalancing algorithms in a multimodal transportation system

GameTheory QueueingTheory Learning

Development of Embedded System on EV

• Developed a software architecture and multi-level CAN systems based on AUTOSAR to improve the modularity and scalability of the system
• Designed a Kalman filter based algorithm to reduce the noise in the battery voltage measuring


Personal Projects

• PiggyBank -- an accounting book app that can visualize your income/outcome
• AlandKaomoji -- a small widget that contains text-emoji, gesture, notes and calculator
• Sweeper -- a Raspberry Pi based sweeping robot
• raspibox -- a Qt based TV box

Android RaspberryPi